checking out of the hotel in about 30 minutes.
It must be wedding season. They are having weddings everyday here at the International House. The groom in this photo is wearing Hakama. I got some.
Yesterday was goodbyes with Mark and Michiyo and Craig and Emi. Had lunch with Michiyo and Mark at a restaurant run by a former chef on the Orient Express. He managed to get a car from them...
Summer vegetables, herring, cured ham. |
Swordfish, some other fish. |
Palette cleanser. |
Duck breast. |
A tiramisu variation. |
In the railroad car. |
I met Craig and Emi near the hotel for beverages.
As Craig read me the menu I had an inspiration...
a beer float. The management was taking no responsibility, so gave me the ice cream separate. I was on my own.
Everyone agreed that it was very tasty.
I have recently (Sept. 2014) put together a Google Earth tour of the trip. Below is the download button for the file. It is 20.1 MB. If it stops downloading before that, it will not work. Just try it again. Open it with Google Earth and enjoy. The "street views" in the tour don't always resolve. Just click once on the image, it will stop the tour and resolve the image. In the left-hand corner of the browser you will see a "Play" button, click that and move on. The tour takes about 20 minutes.
Happy viewing. As of 09/26/14, the tour has better audio.