Even though it was very late by the time I got back to the motel after the concert and a happy dinner celebration with the ensemble and crew, I got up early this morning to do the walk I have been looking forward to along the path of the Bair Island Wildlife Refuge. I suspected it would be my opportunity. Conceivably I could do it Monday morning, but I was coming to the conclusion that I was going to shoot for an early return drive. So, up I got at 5:00 AM. The park opens at 6:00 AM. I like to do these walks early. The light is better for photos, there is a better chance of seeing some wildlife and generally there are fewer people. Also, it is cooler. It has been hot up here. I am told that it is unseasonably warm. It was getting up early. I did not see tons of wildlife. Hardly any really. The ubiquitous pigeon, some geese with goslings, and a jackrabbit. A jackrabbit is not a rabbit, but a hare. Who knew? Who cares? Accuracy is important.
I have an imperative on whatever little trip I make, to try my best to eat something good. Preferably to try a new establishment. There was not much time on this trip. Most of my meals were with the group. Those meals fit the criteria: tasty and places I hadn't been, but they weren't my own discoveries. For lunch this day I had scoped out some joints on Google Maps. I decided on the Taqueria at the Chavez Supermarket in Redwood City. They are close to the motel and more importantly they serve Birria de Chivo. It hit the spot. Right at the top of the Tasty Meter.
Then it was off to pick up Francis and Tatsu's bass and head across the Bay to the recording session in Berkeley. The session was at Fantasy Studio, which meant nothing to me until Francis educated me on the drive. It is one of those studios that is deep with history. The shots of a couple of their gold records will give you an idea. The session went very well. Of course, we did material from the concert. Recording is difficult. Michael Vlatkovich says you only have to get it right once. This is true, but everyone has to get it right at the same time. Otherwise you have to do it again. And again. After all, you are in the studio, why not take the time to do it right?
Birria de Chivo at Chavez Supermarket in Redwood City, CA. |
Coins on the walls in the control room of Studio A, Fantasy Studios. |
Studio A, Fantasy Studios. |
Kioto prepping for session. |
Tatsu and Chizuru. |
Edward being happy. |
Francis and Edward misbehaving. |
Looking down the hall to Studios B and D. |
Francis giving asked for advice to Melody and Lenora. Kioto is peeling a tangerine. |
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