Wednesday, August 9, 2017

A Let-Up in the Obons Filled by the Oaxacans

There were no Obons in the greater Los Angeles area this past weekend. Thank goodness! It gets to be quite a responsibility getting around to them. I needed a weekend without the pressure. Next weekend is the Gardena Obon, which is close to being my favorite (if I had favorites), though there is no good reason for that. I am hoping that I can make it. My window is Saturday only. I have a performance on Sunday that will keep me from it. Actually, it is possible I can do both, but I think it will be too much for my own bones. 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I did go to a festival just the same. Another on my annual "to-do" list, the Festival Quelaguetza O.R.O. 2017. The first time I went to this festival, it was an accident. It was held a different location, Ernest E. Debs Regional Park, visible from the Pasadena Freeway (Arroyo Seco Parkway - which no one calls it.) I saw the happenings as I was zipping along and decided to check it out. I have tried to make it each year since. So here are the photos from Sunday. I did a post on this festival on September 9, 2014, so I am going to try not to duplicate the photos too much. In that earlier post there are links sites giving a history of Lincoln Park. This is a park that Black people felt comfortable going to back when I was a kid. Yeah, think about that.

Artwork on the way to the festival. Angelinos are very expressive.

Posers for posers. 

Dancers getting ready to take the stage.

The boathouse and pond at Lincoln Park.

Baile folklórico.

These are vessels. The hooves are real. I bought one. You can't
see the one I bought; originally there were three. I've been look-
ing around for a canteen to use when the Obihiro Cowboys per-
form. My search has been unsuccessful. I am thinking that one
of these may be better.

Grasshoppers. I've had plenty of these in the past few years,
so did not need to try them. On the other hand...

these are flying ants, which I had not tried. So, I did. Not bad.
An interesting aftertaste somewhat like honey. Doing some re-
search, I learned that they are crushed and used in a sauce. I un-
derstand that. They'd be much more palatable mixed in with

This tepache was very strong and vinegary. It provided a very
slight buzz lasting no longer than the time it took to drink it.


I bought my lunch from these women.

Molotes stuffed with chorizo and potato.

People resting.

A dance troupe finishing their routine...

after which they throw pan to the audience. 

A happy audience.

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